Friday, October 15, 2010


My house is a vortex.

At least, I have a feeling it is. Not an opening to the Other Side type of vortex (although maybe it's that, too) but a nexus of energy type vortex. Like the ones Sedona is famous for.

See, there's an energy about the house. I'm not the only one who's noticed. When we get visitors for the first time, they often remark that the house has a nice feel, or they mention a vibe. When we looked at the house, I walked in and it hit me right away. The house just felt good. And I was drawn right to what it now our dining room. That's where I'm doing all the board reading, by the way. The dining room. Also our favorite room in the house. We do most of our stuff there mainly because the dining room table's the best place to do it (bookkeeping, playing board games, etc), but also because it feels nice sitting in that room. Sometimes one of us will just sit down at the dining room table just to sit down and rest a moment. It does help that we have an awesome set by Ethan Allen that makes the room look dynamite. And somehow, I think our huge-ass mirror on the wall helps, too. (The mirror came with the house. Think one of those large wall-spanning department store mirrors that are impossible to take down.)

Anyway, the past couple nights I introduced my fiancee to the board and after it admonished her and told her to open up a bit we had a nice session. Now that we have a potential way to communicate with non-corporeal humans, we figured let's find out who's sharing our house with us. She's more convinced than I am that we've got spirits or entities, but every so often we've had something odd happen. I've only felt cold spots, but she's seen something and has even been touched. I may or may not have been touched early on, but I can't tell for sure. That's a story for later, though. This is getting long enough as it is.

So we asked if the place had ghosts and got a yes. We asked if there was more than one and got a yes. We asked how many: 6. Not really an answer I wanted, but that's okay. It started to get coy when we asked if we knew them.

Fast forward to last night. I was reading on my own. This time the board said 7. I said hang on, you said six last night, and the board responded with "near." So I asked if they came and went and the board said yes. So we're a boarding house for ghosts. Great. According to the mystical energies, we have three permanent residents, and others come and go. Among the transients, we have four regular visitors. Our guess is family members. I'm not ready to go down that road because it's an emotional path and I don't have enough faith in this whole thing yet to open up that can of worms.

Anyway, I asked if we knew the three resident entities, and it started getting coy again. I got a "maybe." And then I asked the board to name our ghosts. The following answer is from memory since I forgot to bring the transcript to work with me. I'll edit it tonight when I can confirm from the paper:


[UPDATE: Fixed the reading above.]

I think that's it. I can't really remember the last three letters. Seems to me like a bunch of random nonsense. I asked if that named everybody and it said unknown-X then spelled out "bie". As in goodbye, we're done. I think. The B-I-E could also be a part of the naming.

So right now, I've got stuff to ponder. I'm not sure it really makes a lot of sense, but there could be a name or two in the above. Who knows. Not really sure how to research it, though.

I'll probably try again once more then give it a rest for a while.

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