Hello. I am the part of this blog that represents the Talking Board. It is nice to meet you.
This first reading will be in two parts, as it is two questions. They both pertain to the same thing, but it's long and it's easier to push a planchette around rather than press buttons. That's a little talking board humor for you. I know, I know, leave the jokes to the bears.
The question comes from a friend of mine. It is: "Where can I find a boyfriend?"
The reading is: The Enchantment for Communication - Ash Tree - 8 - Cedar Tree.
Let me describe the board a little before we continue. The board being used has four standard answers in the corners - yes, no, maybe, and question - and several rings of symbols. You have your regular letters and numbers, but you also have things such as astrological signs, colors, and gemstones. Two of the rings are a ring of trees which have meaning, and a ring of enchantments. The enchantments each represent an abstract idea. There is also a ring of words - Past, Present, Future, Unknown, Near, Far, etc etc etc.
So with that in mind, let us proceed from start to end.
The Enchantment for Communication: I won't put the whole enchantment here, as I feel it's not necessary. But the central idea is to communicate. Leading off with this, it feels like the questioner already has someone in mind. In fact, the questioner even said as much later, but we're getting ahead of ourselves.
Ash Tree: Stability. It is known for its tremendous size and girth, with a fantastic root system that keeps it in place even against the mightiest winds. It was believed that the Ash could reach all the way to the Underworld. It is held as a wood of balance, and a symbol of renewal and resurrection for the Celts. Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse mythology, is an ash. It can also symbolize sacrifice, sensitivity, and higher awareness. The wood is white, strong, and straight-grained which makes it the choice wood for utility - baseball bats and tool handles, as well as furniture and flooring. With such a strong dense core, it also burns for a long time with an intense heat.
8: This could be taken literally as a house number, a street number, part of a name, or part of an age (hopefully not the first digit). The numerology meaning is as follows: The number eight is reflective of power, abundance, and success, as well as the principle of domination and control. Because its shape forms the sign for infinity, it also has an esoteric significance. It represents questions and their answers as well as secrets that are contained in both. The number eight symbolizes material matters as well as that which is strictly theoretical. It can represent an individual who has strong leadership and executive skills, a decision maker who relies as much on intuition as facts. It can symbolize a legacy, either material or magical in form. The power of the number eight is in its ability to transcend the boundaries of the practical world while still representing it. Its energy is formal and intractable. This could also represent the number of letters in a person's name as well as their numerological number.
It seems that the meanings evoked by this number are similar to the ash tree. The final symbol concludes this message of strong, firm communication.
Cedar Tree: Confidence. The cedar is a symbol of optimism and adaptability, also representing a protection from harm and evil forces. It is widely known as an ornamental tree, and its wood is often used to line chests to keep out moths and insects. It also holds in the Jewish and Christian faiths as a symbol of wisdom and protection, the truth of the Lord that would take root in the Earth. Its wood is known for its beautiful rich red color, and cedar energy promotes an understanding that beauty and truth are one, that true love is worth waiting for.
The message is one of communication. Be strong, open, and wise, and it should be a fruitful communication.
There are many more meanings to the symbols above. Please feel free to do your own research and draw your own conclusions.
Part two will come tomorrow.
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