Thursday, October 28, 2010

Boyfriend Reading, Part Two

One thing you'll have to keep in mind is that as a personification of an abstract idea, I really have no concept of time.

Part two of The Boyfriend Reading is the follow-up question "How can I broach the subject that I'm interested in this guy?"  Please note that the question is being asked on behalf of the Questioner, not "me."  The question was asked int he third person and related here in the first person to keep the Questioner's anonymity.  As a fictitious amalgam of things that may or may not exist, I cannot be interested in anyone or anything.

The answer:  P - Enchantment for Joy - M - Enchantment for Love - K - Oak tree.

Instead of going from beginning to end, let us instead go from obvious to subtle to provide context.  After all, those letters certainly seem confounding at first glance.  First, the Enchantments:

The Enchantment rituals come from Monte Farber and Amy Zerner, the creators of this particular talking board.  I feel it is useful to look at them, as it gives a solid understanding of what needs to be done.  It is not necessary to follow these rituals to the letter, but bear their ideas in mind when conducting your own ritual, prayer, or meditation.

Enchantment for Joy:  Find a picture of yourself taken when you were a child, and make sure that in it you look joyful.  Get comfortable, sitting upright in a place where you can see the picture in front of you.  Relax and visualize a golden ball of light surrounding the picture.  As you focus on it, slowly say:
Enchantress, the child in me
Lets happiness be.
Push away dark clouds;
Let joy flow free.

Close your eyes and feel the ball of light travel up your legs, torso, arms, neck, and head, bringing with it the innocent, carefree happy state of childhood wonder.  Stay with this feeling.  Be at one with the child in you.  When you are ready, open your eyes and feel fresh and rejuvinated.  Kiss the picture and vow to love yourself more and more.  You deserve it!

The point here is the bolded portion.  Be at peace with yourself.

Enchantment for Love:  With a piece of paper and a pen or pencil on hand, sit in a quiet place where you won't be interrupted.  On the paper write the word love.  Stare at it until you have it in your mind's eye.  Close your eyes.  Focus on the letters of the word love floating off the paper and into your heart.  Ask it to stay with you and to guide you in life while awake and asleep.  Open your eyes and say this prayer:
My heart is filled
With love that's true.
I send it now
From me to you.

Fold the piece of paper and carry it with you to remind you of this enchantment.  It will help attract love to you.

This one is a little more direct.  It is an offering for assistance to help you attract your intended's love.

Now the tree:

Oak tree:  Strength.  The oak tree has always been a symbol of strength, endurance, and power.  The ancients revered this tree and marveled that it could withstand being struck by lightning.  Because of this, it has become associated with the ability to attract inspiration, wisdom, and illumination.  The oak represents a psychic shield against malice or jealousy from outside sources.  In esoteric terms, it represents the wisdom that comes in the wake of spiritual growth after a trial or challenge.  It is also associated with fertility.  Although the oak is a mighty tree, it symbolizes strength that is used with a light and discerning touch.  The ancient Romans thought oak trees attracted lightening and thereby connected the oak tree to the sky god, Jupiter and his wife, Juno, the goddess of marriage.  Thus, the oak is a symbol of conjugal fidelity and fulfillment.

Monte and Amy also offer an enchanted spell for oak (which, like the enchantments above, I think is relevant):  Whenever you have a task to perform that seems beyond your capabilities, meditate by closing your eyes and envisioning a steep hill up which you must climb.  However, in your hand is a beautifully fashioned walking stick made of oak.  You find yourself making the climb easily with the stick to lean on.  Repeat this visualization as needed.

So here we have two portions of the answer which directly suggest action, and the final component implying some sort of context.  A symbol of conjugal fidelity and fulfillment certainly seems appropriate for a question of romantic intent.

And now the letters.  At first glance, they seem strange.  As there are three of them interpersed through the message, they could be initials.  However, they do all have something in common aside from being consonants.  They are all Greek letters.  If we borrow from the Greek alphebet oracle, a meaning becomes startlingly clear:

P - Rho - "You will go on more easily if you wait a short time."  If you will hold your ground for only a short time, you will be able to proceed (more easily or with greater cooperation). You will go faster by waiting than by going now; on the other hand, delaying too long may provoke reckless action. By standing fast you live recklessly. By remaining where you are, you live life thoughtlessly.

M - Mu - “It is necessary to labor, but the change will be admirable.”  Through toil and distress a change will be made for the better. Hard work will result in a good return.

K - Kappa - “To fight with the waves is difficult; endure, friend.”  In time, the force of ocean waves can grind down anything; they can be a metaphor for repetitive, unstoppable processes. It is difficult, dangerous, and painful to try to resist them; the sensible thing to do is to wait until they abate, or if that is impossible, then to endure the inevitable with courage.

It seems that within the sequence, the letters represent the stages in the ongoing conversation and early relationship, while the enchantments suggest the proper action to get from one stage to the next.  And as said before, the oak tree gives the whole thing the proper context.  In plain words, below:

Wait a little bit before saying anything.  Make sure you're comfortable and happy with yourself first.  It's going to be tough, and the discussions might be hard, but do it anyway.  During this time, make your offerings, but don't actively try to influence him.  Once you opened the floodgates, so to speak, go with it and ride it out.  Be stong, but not forceful.  Tender and gentle, but unyielding.

That's just one interpretation, and I don't want to tell you what to think.  As always, you might want to do a little more research and see if there aren't alternate interpretations for the various symbols.  The letters may turn out to have a literal meaning as well.

Anyway, there you go my friend.  I hope it helps you at least focus your thoughts.  My standard disclaimer applies that I can't vouch for the validity of the reading nor do I suggest it be taken literally and seriously.  I am a research and meditation tool, nothing more.

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